Meet the lucky winner of Rise’s 1000 waitlist giveaway!

2 min readNov 27, 2019


Earlier in November, we announced our relaunch from Cashestate to Rise and ran a special contest to give the amazing people who have shown interest in Rise the chance to win N50,000 in our 1000th waitlist signup giveaway — and all you had to do was signup to get early access to the Rise mobile app, rolling out in a few weeks. We’re now excited to announce that our lucky winner is Ayoola Salako!

Many congratulations, Ayoola, from everyone here at Rise!

We had a chance to catch up with Ayoola and find out a little more about him, why he’s interested in Rise and what he plans to do with his N50,000 windfall.

Tell us about your career and what you do

I make videos. I’ve been doing this professionally for over 5 years now. I have mostly worked full-time in digital publishing/brand studios. Although, I am still able to take up side gigs recording podcasts, shooting videos and working on other interesting stuff.

What made you decide to join the Rise waitlist?

I have followed CashEstate since it was first featured on Zikoko’s NairaLife series, for most of the year, I couldn’t commit at once because ‘adulting in Lagos’.

With the new model as Rise however, I found an ideal blend of CashEstate mixed with mutual funds and a flexible investment opportunity in dollars, that was hard to pass up.

How far would this N50k go for you right now?

It’s interesting, but I’m actually looking to put the entirety of the money into my Rise account.

What are your financial goals for 2020?

For 2020, I’m hoping to raise cash to start a business that doesn’t involve me staring into a screen.

Possibly structure my mom’s food business.

What’s the one thing you are looking forward to on the Rise app?

What my investment could look like if I delay cashing out for 5/10 more years. That’ll help to put things in context a whole lot.

We have more fantastic stuff in store for everyone on the Rise waitlist. Because you’ve chosen to be a part of our journey, we want to show you love in every possible way we can.

Rise is making global dollar investments more accessible to everyone. With as low as $10, you can make your money rise by investing in US properties, Stocks, Fixed income and more. It takes less than a minute to signup here.




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